Case Study


This is an example of how Fingertips Intelligence helped an artist manage his collection in London.

The Challenge

Our client, an East End-based artist, had developed a primitive FileMaker database but was eager to make it operationally useful. He wanted to:

  • Manage his portfolio, projects and exhibitions
  • Upload copies of his artwork and support documentation
  • Track the progress of his work – including materials used, and who bought his pieces
  • Help him manage the exhibitions where he promoted his work

Our Solution

We worked closely with the client, who had a clear view of the ideal layout and structure of his system. We collaborated with him both on site and remotely to build a FileMaker database inspired by that design.

The customer can now:

  • Track his artwork throughout its lifecycle, including store documentation
  • Record financial information including date sold and amount paid
  • Search for a particular piece of artwork